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The English term for 区块链侧链 is "blockchain sidechains".

Blockchains are decentralized digital ledgers that record transactions across multiple computers. They are known for their security, transparency, and immutability. However, they often face scalability and interoperability challenges. This is where sidechains come into play.

Sidechains are separate blockchains that are connected to the main blockchain, also known as the parent chain, through a twoway peg. They allow for the creation of custom rules and functionalities, which are not possible or feasible on the main blockchain due to its consensus mechanism or other limitations.


The term "blockchain sidechains" is widely used in the industry to describe these interconnected chains. The concept of sidechains was first proposed by Adam Back in 2014 and has gained significant attention and adoption in the blockchain community.

By utilizing sidechains, developers can experiment with new features, implement innovative consensus mechanisms, or create specialized applications while still benefiting from the security and decentralization of the parent chain. Sidechains can enable faster transaction processing, privacy enhancements, or support for specific use cases without congesting the main blockchain.

The implementation of sidechains involves the creation of a twoway peg mechanism that allows tokens or assets to move between the main blockchain and the sidechain. This pegging ensures that the sidechain remains secure and reliable while providing interoperability with the parent chain.

Various blockchain platforms and projects have implemented sidechains to enhance their functionalities. Notable examples include Liquid sidechain on the Bitcoin network, the Plasma framework on Ethereum, and Cosmos with its interchain communication protocol (IBC).

In summary, blockchain sidechains provide a way to extend the capabilities of the main blockchain by creating interconnected chains with custom rules and features. They enable scalability, interoperability, and novel use cases while maintaining the security and decentralization of the parent chain.

标签: 区块链专业术语中英文 区块链侧链的英文缩写 区块链侧链是什么 区块链侧链的英文翻译 区块链术语英文
